Army Dogs

(Courtesy of the National Museum of the United States Army)
Dogs are a soldier’s best friend too! After watching the Army Behind the Army video, you know that throughout Army history, dogs have helped out the Army in many different ways. Some of these dogs have received the K9 Medal of Courage and other medals for their service! In this activity below, you can look at different types of dogs in the Army and match them to their job description.

Search Dogs: My job is to find things that could put Soldiers in danger. I use my really strong nose to smell things that humans cannot always smell.
Messenger Dogs: My job is to carry messages from one of my handlers to the other. I try to be stealthy and move quietly.
Service Dogs: My job starts when Soldiers return home
from war. If they are injured on duty, it is my job to help them as best as I can!

Sentry Dogs: My job is to alert Soldiers of strangers when we are on patrol, especially at night. I bark or growl to alert my handler of a person I do not know.