In the midst of this National Literacy Month and on the cusp of National Book Month (October), we are thrilled to announce the release of our first visual adventure guide book for kids – Rocket Around Washington DC.
This book – available in print (here) and eBook (here) formats – is special to us for five reasons.
First, it’s been a part of our lives for so long, Emma calls it the seventh member of our family. More than two years ago, as the pandemic kept us cooped up, we hatched the idea for Rocket Around, and today it is finally a reality.
Second, Rocket – the star and narrator of the book – really is a part of our lives.
He’s our family pug, sleeping next to me right now – and it’s been a lot of fun to give him a voice through this book.
Third, this book was created with neurodiverse kids in mind, but works for any kid. The 40+ page fast-moving story with an interactive activities section is designed to meet the needs of neurodiverse children through employing best practices for visual guides for kids living with neurological disabilities, while at the same time giving all kids ages 5 through 10 an anytime enjoyable and educational pursuit. Plus 10% of all Rocket Around Washington DC profits will be donated to organizations that support neurodiverse causes and individuals.

Fourth, everyone in our family had an important role to play in Rocket Around DC: Emma illustrated the book and served as creative director, Tom was chief photographer, Jack is the voice of Rocket in the eBook (on Amazon), Jeffrey helped with the Activities section, I served as the primary author and organizer, and Rocket – who really does love adventuring – joined us for during various excursions into the District of Columbia (DC) and posed for pictures which can be found throughout the book.

Finally, Rocket Around Washington DC taught us how to create and publish a book like this – and that’s a story in itself – so the next one should be much easier. And our vision is to release many Rocket Around books in a series. Rocket Around Switzerland is next, and we have content for Rocket Around Germany, NYC, Florida, New England, Boston, North Carolina, and the Baseball Diamond.
IMHO, adventuring with neurodiverse kids can open minds, increase flexibility, expand organizational skills, and build independence. But it can also be challenging, anxiety inducing for everyone involved, and even maddening. Our great hope is that this book will help ease the figurative ride to support neurodiverse (and neurotypical) families through previewing and guiding them around the great city of Washington DC, or make a car or plane trip, waiting in line, and even rainy days at home more fun.
I would be remiss if I didn’t thank a number of amazing people who provided guidance along our Rocket Around journey, including: Story teller extraordinaire Amy Storey, authors Michael John Conley (various books and articles on neurodiversity and life) and Erika Lebling (Wakin’ Up Waggin – The Tale Behind the Tail).
We hope your family will consider reading and listening to Rocket Around Washington DC, and sharing the book with others in your social, family and community networks who might enjoy it. Thanks for your support!