Neurodiversity /Autism Awareness Month (April) is upon us! It’s a month to celebrate neurodiversity in all its varieties and the estimated 15 to 20 percent of people around the world are neurodiverse. It’s a month also to build awareness about neurodiversity to foster more inclusive and supportive environments.
As a family of authors, illustrators, and self-publishers of our own books specifically designed for neurodiverse kids (but that can be enjoyed by any kid), we love books for neurodiverse children,
but there’s still a need for more of them! Which is why we chose to publish Rocket Around Washington DC storybook (Ebook also available) and Rocket Around Washington DC Activities + Coloring Book. This Neurodiversity /Autism Awareness Month we’re doing a weekly feature of books we love for neurodiverse kids and below is our first list of 10 terrific ones.
We hope your family might consider reading some of these – and we’d love your suggestions of other great books for neurodiverse kids. Happy reading!
10 Great Books for Neurodiverse Kids
Anything But Typical, by Nora Raleigh Baskin
Conversations: Making Friends & Turn Taking (Social Stories for Neurodiverse Kids), by Randi-Lee Bowslaugh
Jude & The First of The Nine – Book One in the Neurodiverse Chronicles of Jude, Nick Emm (Author)
Let’s talk! A story of Autism and Friendship, by Lisa Jacovsky
Duck, Duck, Moose, by Joy Heyer (Author, Illustrator)

Neurodivergent Ninja: A Children’s Book About the Gifts of Neurodiversity (Ninja Life Hacks), Mary Nhin (Author)
Talking is Not My Thing Hardcover, by Rose Robbins (Author)
The Boy with the Butterfly Mind, by Victoria Williamson
When things get too loud: A story about sensory overload, by Anne Alcott